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5 considerations when buying a hearing aid

If you’re starting to notice changes to your hearing as you age, you’re not alone. Hearing loss is the third most common chronic condition among older Americans. In fact, 33% of those between ages 65-74 and nearly 50% of those 75+ experience hearing loss. Taking action as soon as you notice your hearing declining may be important to help you continue communicating effectively, while also helping you lower the risk of other associated health issues, such as cognitive decline, dementia, and more.

One of the most common ways people address hearing loss is through a hearing aid. Before purchasing one, there are many important factors to consider. Dr. Diane Nens, audiologist and senior clinical director, UnitedHealthcare Hearing shares five tips to consider when evaluating hearing aids:

1. Look for these key features:

Custom-programming, where the sound processor inside the hearing aid is programmed to your hearing test results.

Automatic gain control, which enables you to hear soft sounds while keeping loud noises at a comfortable level.

Directional processing, which enhances the sounds in front of you while reducing distracting background noise from beside and behind you.

A feedback manager that allows for greater amplification without whistling.

Noise reduction, which improves listening comfort and speech intelligibility by reducing distracting environmental noise such as fans or motors.

A telecoil, which connects to telephones, hearing loops, neck loops, and wireless systems.

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